How do we build a confidence interval for the parameter of the exponential distribution? ...

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How do we build a confidence interval for the parameter of the exponential distribution?

Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)Confidence Interval of estimator for the exponential distributionHow to compute confidence interval from a confidence distributionparameter and prediction confidence intervalsConfidence interval for known non-normal estimation?Confidence interval for exponential distributionA confidence area for an Archimedean's copula familyIs the canonical parameter (and therefore the canonical link function) for a Gamma not unique?UMAU confidence interval for $theta$ in a shifted exponential distributionCalculate the constants and the MSE from two estimators related to a uniform distributionBinomial distributed random sample: find the least variance from the set of all unbiased estimators of $theta$Build an approximated confidence interval for $sigma$ based on its maximum likelihood estimator

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Let $X_{1},X_{2},ldots,X_{n}$ be a random sample whose distribution is given by $text{Exp}(theta)$, where $theta$ is not known. Precisely, $f(x|theta) = (1/thetaexp)(-x/theta)$ Describe a method to build a confidence interval with confidence coefficient $1 - alpha$ for $theta$.


Since the distribution in discussion is not normal and I do not know the size of the sample, I think we cannot apply the central limit theorem. One possible approach is to consider the maximum likelihood estimator of $theta$, whose distribution is approximately $mathcal{N}(theta,(nI_{F}(theta)^{-1})$. Another possible approach consists in using the score function, whose distribution is approximately $mathcal{N}(0,nI_{F}(theta))$. However, in both cases, it is assumed the CLT is applicable.

The exercise also provides the following hint: find $c_{1}$ and $c_{2}$ such that
textbf{P}left(c_{1} < frac{1}{theta}sum_{i=1}^{n} X_{i} < c_{2}right) = 1 -alpha

Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance!

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  • 1

    You should clarify which parameterization of the exponential distribution you're using. From the later parts of your post it looks like you're using the scale parameterization rather than the rate parameterization but you should be explicit, not leave it to people to guess.
    – Glen_b

  • $begingroup$
    Thanks for the comment and sorry for the inconvenience. I edited the question.
    – user1337

  • 1

    Okay, you've defined it as the rate parameterization, which is fine, but then the hint at the end is wrong.
    – Glen_b

  • $begingroup$
    For rather large $n$ an approach using the CLT might provide a useful approximation. My answer gives an exact CI that works even for small $n.$
    – BruceET

  • $begingroup$
    There are so many options here because there are different choices of pivots. A C.I. could also be found using $min X_i$ which also has an exp distribution, but this won't be as 'good' as the one based on $sum X_i$.
    – StubbornAtom




Let $X_{1},X_{2},ldots,X_{n}$ be a random sample whose distribution is given by $text{Exp}(theta)$, where $theta$ is not known. Precisely, $f(x|theta) = (1/thetaexp)(-x/theta)$ Describe a method to build a confidence interval with confidence coefficient $1 - alpha$ for $theta$.


Since the distribution in discussion is not normal and I do not know the size of the sample, I think we cannot apply the central limit theorem. One possible approach is to consider the maximum likelihood estimator of $theta$, whose distribution is approximately $mathcal{N}(theta,(nI_{F}(theta)^{-1})$. Another possible approach consists in using the score function, whose distribution is approximately $mathcal{N}(0,nI_{F}(theta))$. However, in both cases, it is assumed the CLT is applicable.

The exercise also provides the following hint: find $c_{1}$ and $c_{2}$ such that
textbf{P}left(c_{1} < frac{1}{theta}sum_{i=1}^{n} X_{i} < c_{2}right) = 1 -alpha

Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance!

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  • 1

    You should clarify which parameterization of the exponential distribution you're using. From the later parts of your post it looks like you're using the scale parameterization rather than the rate parameterization but you should be explicit, not leave it to people to guess.
    – Glen_b

  • $begingroup$
    Thanks for the comment and sorry for the inconvenience. I edited the question.
    – user1337

  • 1

    Okay, you've defined it as the rate parameterization, which is fine, but then the hint at the end is wrong.
    – Glen_b

  • $begingroup$
    For rather large $n$ an approach using the CLT might provide a useful approximation. My answer gives an exact CI that works even for small $n.$
    – BruceET

  • $begingroup$
    There are so many options here because there are different choices of pivots. A C.I. could also be found using $min X_i$ which also has an exp distribution, but this won't be as 'good' as the one based on $sum X_i$.
    – StubbornAtom







Let $X_{1},X_{2},ldots,X_{n}$ be a random sample whose distribution is given by $text{Exp}(theta)$, where $theta$ is not known. Precisely, $f(x|theta) = (1/thetaexp)(-x/theta)$ Describe a method to build a confidence interval with confidence coefficient $1 - alpha$ for $theta$.


Since the distribution in discussion is not normal and I do not know the size of the sample, I think we cannot apply the central limit theorem. One possible approach is to consider the maximum likelihood estimator of $theta$, whose distribution is approximately $mathcal{N}(theta,(nI_{F}(theta)^{-1})$. Another possible approach consists in using the score function, whose distribution is approximately $mathcal{N}(0,nI_{F}(theta))$. However, in both cases, it is assumed the CLT is applicable.

The exercise also provides the following hint: find $c_{1}$ and $c_{2}$ such that
textbf{P}left(c_{1} < frac{1}{theta}sum_{i=1}^{n} X_{i} < c_{2}right) = 1 -alpha

Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance!

share|cite|improve this question



Let $X_{1},X_{2},ldots,X_{n}$ be a random sample whose distribution is given by $text{Exp}(theta)$, where $theta$ is not known. Precisely, $f(x|theta) = (1/thetaexp)(-x/theta)$ Describe a method to build a confidence interval with confidence coefficient $1 - alpha$ for $theta$.


Since the distribution in discussion is not normal and I do not know the size of the sample, I think we cannot apply the central limit theorem. One possible approach is to consider the maximum likelihood estimator of $theta$, whose distribution is approximately $mathcal{N}(theta,(nI_{F}(theta)^{-1})$. Another possible approach consists in using the score function, whose distribution is approximately $mathcal{N}(0,nI_{F}(theta))$. However, in both cases, it is assumed the CLT is applicable.

The exercise also provides the following hint: find $c_{1}$ and $c_{2}$ such that
textbf{P}left(c_{1} < frac{1}{theta}sum_{i=1}^{n} X_{i} < c_{2}right) = 1 -alpha

Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance!

self-study confidence-interval exponential-distribution

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edited yesterday


asked yesterday




  • 1

    You should clarify which parameterization of the exponential distribution you're using. From the later parts of your post it looks like you're using the scale parameterization rather than the rate parameterization but you should be explicit, not leave it to people to guess.
    – Glen_b

  • $begingroup$
    Thanks for the comment and sorry for the inconvenience. I edited the question.
    – user1337

  • 1

    Okay, you've defined it as the rate parameterization, which is fine, but then the hint at the end is wrong.
    – Glen_b

  • $begingroup$
    For rather large $n$ an approach using the CLT might provide a useful approximation. My answer gives an exact CI that works even for small $n.$
    – BruceET

  • $begingroup$
    There are so many options here because there are different choices of pivots. A C.I. could also be found using $min X_i$ which also has an exp distribution, but this won't be as 'good' as the one based on $sum X_i$.
    – StubbornAtom

  • 1

    You should clarify which parameterization of the exponential distribution you're using. From the later parts of your post it looks like you're using the scale parameterization rather than the rate parameterization but you should be explicit, not leave it to people to guess.
    – Glen_b

  • $begingroup$
    Thanks for the comment and sorry for the inconvenience. I edited the question.
    – user1337

  • 1

    Okay, you've defined it as the rate parameterization, which is fine, but then the hint at the end is wrong.
    – Glen_b

  • $begingroup$
    For rather large $n$ an approach using the CLT might provide a useful approximation. My answer gives an exact CI that works even for small $n.$
    – BruceET

  • $begingroup$
    There are so many options here because there are different choices of pivots. A C.I. could also be found using $min X_i$ which also has an exp distribution, but this won't be as 'good' as the one based on $sum X_i$.
    – StubbornAtom



You should clarify which parameterization of the exponential distribution you're using. From the later parts of your post it looks like you're using the scale parameterization rather than the rate parameterization but you should be explicit, not leave it to people to guess.
– Glen_b

You should clarify which parameterization of the exponential distribution you're using. From the later parts of your post it looks like you're using the scale parameterization rather than the rate parameterization but you should be explicit, not leave it to people to guess.
– Glen_b

Thanks for the comment and sorry for the inconvenience. I edited the question.
– user1337

Thanks for the comment and sorry for the inconvenience. I edited the question.
– user1337



Okay, you've defined it as the rate parameterization, which is fine, but then the hint at the end is wrong.
– Glen_b

Okay, you've defined it as the rate parameterization, which is fine, but then the hint at the end is wrong.
– Glen_b

For rather large $n$ an approach using the CLT might provide a useful approximation. My answer gives an exact CI that works even for small $n.$
– BruceET

For rather large $n$ an approach using the CLT might provide a useful approximation. My answer gives an exact CI that works even for small $n.$
– BruceET

There are so many options here because there are different choices of pivots. A C.I. could also be found using $min X_i$ which also has an exp distribution, but this won't be as 'good' as the one based on $sum X_i$.
– StubbornAtom

There are so many options here because there are different choices of pivots. A C.I. could also be found using $min X_i$ which also has an exp distribution, but this won't be as 'good' as the one based on $sum X_i$.
– StubbornAtom

2 Answers






You don't say how the exponential distribution is
parameterized. Two parameterizations are in common use--mean and rate.

Let $E(X_i) = mu.$ Then one
can show that $$frac 1 mu sum_{i=1}^n X_i sim
mathsf{Gamma}(text{shape} = n, text{rate=scale} = 1).$$

In R statistical software the exponential distribution is parameterized according rate $lambda = 1/mu.$ Let $n = 10$ and $lambda = 1/5,$ so that $mu = 5.$ The following program simulates $m = 10^6$ samples of size $n = 10$ from $mathsf{Exp}(text{rate} = lambda = 1/5),$ finds $$Q = frac 1 mu sum_{i=1}^n X_i =
lambda sum_{i=1}^n X_i$$
for each sample, and plots the histogram of the one million $Q$'s, The figure
illustrates that $Q sim mathsf{Gamma}(10, 1).$
(Use MGFs for a formal proof.)

set.seed(414)   # for reproducibility
q = replicate(10^5, sum(rexp(10, 1/5))/5)
lbl = "Simulated Dist'n of Q with Density of GAMMA(10, 1)"
hist(q, prob=T, br=30, col="skyblue2", main=lbl)
curve(dgamma(x,10,1), col="red", add=T)

enter image description here

Thus, for $n = 10$ the constants $c_1 = 4.975$ and
$c_2 = 17.084$ for
a 95% confidence interval are quantiles 0.025 and 0.975, respectively, of $Q sim mathsf{Gamma}(10, 1).$

qgamma(c(.025, .975), 10, 1)
[1] 4.795389 17.084803

In particular, for the exponential sample shown below (second row),
a 95% confidence interval is $(2.224, 7.922).$ Notice the reversal of the quantiles in 'pivoting' $Q,$ which
has $mu$ in the denominator.

set.seed(1234); x = sort(round(rexp(10, 1/5), 2)); x
[1] 0.03 0.45 1.01 1.23 1.94 3.80 4.12 4.19 8.71 12.51
t = sum(x); t
[1] 37.99
t/qgamma(c(.975, .025), 10, 1)
[1] 2.223614 7.922194

Note: Because the chi-squared distribution is a member of the gamma family, it is possible to find endpoints for such a confidence interval in terms of a chi-squared distribution.

See Wikipedia on exponential distributions under 'confidence intervals'. (That discussion uses rate parameter $lambda$ for the exponential distribution, instead of $mu.)$

share|cite|improve this answer




    Taking $theta$ as the scale parameter, it can be shown that ${n bar{X}}/{theta} sim text{Ga}(n,1)$. To form a confidence interval we choose any critical points $c_1 < c_2$ from the $text{Ga}(n,1)$ distribution such that these points contain probability $1-alpha$ of the distribution. Using the above pivotal quantity we then have:

    $$mathbb{P} Bigg( c_1 leqslant frac{n bar{X}}{theta} leqslant c_2 Bigg) = 1-alpha
    quad quad quad quad quad
    int limits_{c_1}^{c_2} text{Ga}(r|n,1) dr = 1 - alpha.$$

    Re-arranging the inequality in this probability statement and substituting the observed sample mean gives the confidence interval:

    $$text{CI}_theta(1-alpha) = Bigg[ frac{n bar{x}}{c_2} , frac{n bar{x}}{c_1} Bigg].$$

    This confidence interval is valid for any choice of $c_1<c_2$ so long as it obeys the required integral condition. For simplicity, many analysts use the symmetric critical points. However, it is possible to optimise the confidence interval by minimising its length, which we show below.

    Optimising the confidence interval: The length of this confidence interval is proportional to $1/c_1-1/c_2$, and so we minimise the length of the interval by choosing the critical points to minimise this distance. This can be done using the nlm function in R. In the following code we give a function for the minimum-length confidence interval for this problem, which we apply to some simulated data.

    #Set the objective function for minimisation
    OBJECTIVE <- function(c1, n, alpha) {
    pp <- pgamma(c1, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
    c2 <- qgamma(1 - alpha + pp, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
    1/c1 - 1/c2; }

    #Find the minimum-length confidence interval
    CONF_INT <- function(n, alpha, xbar) {
    START_c1 <- qgamma(alpha/2, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
    MINIMISE <- nlm(f = OBJECTIVE, p = START_c1, n = n, alpha = alpha);
    c1 <- MINIMISE$estimate;
    pp <- pgamma(c1, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
    c2 <- qgamma(1 - alpha + pp, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
    c(n*xbar/c2, n*xbar/c1); }

    #Generate simulation data
    n <- 300;
    scale <- 25.4;
    DATA <- rexp(n, rate = 1/scale);

    #Application of confidence interval to simulated data
    n <- length(DATA);
    xbar <- mean(DATA);
    alpha <- 0.05;

    CONF_INT(n, alpha, xbar);

    [1] 23.32040 29.24858

    share|cite|improve this answer


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      2 Answers




      2 Answers












      You don't say how the exponential distribution is
      parameterized. Two parameterizations are in common use--mean and rate.

      Let $E(X_i) = mu.$ Then one
      can show that $$frac 1 mu sum_{i=1}^n X_i sim
      mathsf{Gamma}(text{shape} = n, text{rate=scale} = 1).$$

      In R statistical software the exponential distribution is parameterized according rate $lambda = 1/mu.$ Let $n = 10$ and $lambda = 1/5,$ so that $mu = 5.$ The following program simulates $m = 10^6$ samples of size $n = 10$ from $mathsf{Exp}(text{rate} = lambda = 1/5),$ finds $$Q = frac 1 mu sum_{i=1}^n X_i =
      lambda sum_{i=1}^n X_i$$
      for each sample, and plots the histogram of the one million $Q$'s, The figure
      illustrates that $Q sim mathsf{Gamma}(10, 1).$
      (Use MGFs for a formal proof.)

      set.seed(414)   # for reproducibility
      q = replicate(10^5, sum(rexp(10, 1/5))/5)
      lbl = "Simulated Dist'n of Q with Density of GAMMA(10, 1)"
      hist(q, prob=T, br=30, col="skyblue2", main=lbl)
      curve(dgamma(x,10,1), col="red", add=T)

      enter image description here

      Thus, for $n = 10$ the constants $c_1 = 4.975$ and
      $c_2 = 17.084$ for
      a 95% confidence interval are quantiles 0.025 and 0.975, respectively, of $Q sim mathsf{Gamma}(10, 1).$

      qgamma(c(.025, .975), 10, 1)
      [1] 4.795389 17.084803

      In particular, for the exponential sample shown below (second row),
      a 95% confidence interval is $(2.224, 7.922).$ Notice the reversal of the quantiles in 'pivoting' $Q,$ which
      has $mu$ in the denominator.

      set.seed(1234); x = sort(round(rexp(10, 1/5), 2)); x
      [1] 0.03 0.45 1.01 1.23 1.94 3.80 4.12 4.19 8.71 12.51
      t = sum(x); t
      [1] 37.99
      t/qgamma(c(.975, .025), 10, 1)
      [1] 2.223614 7.922194

      Note: Because the chi-squared distribution is a member of the gamma family, it is possible to find endpoints for such a confidence interval in terms of a chi-squared distribution.

      See Wikipedia on exponential distributions under 'confidence intervals'. (That discussion uses rate parameter $lambda$ for the exponential distribution, instead of $mu.)$

      share|cite|improve this answer




        You don't say how the exponential distribution is
        parameterized. Two parameterizations are in common use--mean and rate.

        Let $E(X_i) = mu.$ Then one
        can show that $$frac 1 mu sum_{i=1}^n X_i sim
        mathsf{Gamma}(text{shape} = n, text{rate=scale} = 1).$$

        In R statistical software the exponential distribution is parameterized according rate $lambda = 1/mu.$ Let $n = 10$ and $lambda = 1/5,$ so that $mu = 5.$ The following program simulates $m = 10^6$ samples of size $n = 10$ from $mathsf{Exp}(text{rate} = lambda = 1/5),$ finds $$Q = frac 1 mu sum_{i=1}^n X_i =
        lambda sum_{i=1}^n X_i$$
        for each sample, and plots the histogram of the one million $Q$'s, The figure
        illustrates that $Q sim mathsf{Gamma}(10, 1).$
        (Use MGFs for a formal proof.)

        set.seed(414)   # for reproducibility
        q = replicate(10^5, sum(rexp(10, 1/5))/5)
        lbl = "Simulated Dist'n of Q with Density of GAMMA(10, 1)"
        hist(q, prob=T, br=30, col="skyblue2", main=lbl)
        curve(dgamma(x,10,1), col="red", add=T)

        enter image description here

        Thus, for $n = 10$ the constants $c_1 = 4.975$ and
        $c_2 = 17.084$ for
        a 95% confidence interval are quantiles 0.025 and 0.975, respectively, of $Q sim mathsf{Gamma}(10, 1).$

        qgamma(c(.025, .975), 10, 1)
        [1] 4.795389 17.084803

        In particular, for the exponential sample shown below (second row),
        a 95% confidence interval is $(2.224, 7.922).$ Notice the reversal of the quantiles in 'pivoting' $Q,$ which
        has $mu$ in the denominator.

        set.seed(1234); x = sort(round(rexp(10, 1/5), 2)); x
        [1] 0.03 0.45 1.01 1.23 1.94 3.80 4.12 4.19 8.71 12.51
        t = sum(x); t
        [1] 37.99
        t/qgamma(c(.975, .025), 10, 1)
        [1] 2.223614 7.922194

        Note: Because the chi-squared distribution is a member of the gamma family, it is possible to find endpoints for such a confidence interval in terms of a chi-squared distribution.

        See Wikipedia on exponential distributions under 'confidence intervals'. (That discussion uses rate parameter $lambda$ for the exponential distribution, instead of $mu.)$

        share|cite|improve this answer






          You don't say how the exponential distribution is
          parameterized. Two parameterizations are in common use--mean and rate.

          Let $E(X_i) = mu.$ Then one
          can show that $$frac 1 mu sum_{i=1}^n X_i sim
          mathsf{Gamma}(text{shape} = n, text{rate=scale} = 1).$$

          In R statistical software the exponential distribution is parameterized according rate $lambda = 1/mu.$ Let $n = 10$ and $lambda = 1/5,$ so that $mu = 5.$ The following program simulates $m = 10^6$ samples of size $n = 10$ from $mathsf{Exp}(text{rate} = lambda = 1/5),$ finds $$Q = frac 1 mu sum_{i=1}^n X_i =
          lambda sum_{i=1}^n X_i$$
          for each sample, and plots the histogram of the one million $Q$'s, The figure
          illustrates that $Q sim mathsf{Gamma}(10, 1).$
          (Use MGFs for a formal proof.)

          set.seed(414)   # for reproducibility
          q = replicate(10^5, sum(rexp(10, 1/5))/5)
          lbl = "Simulated Dist'n of Q with Density of GAMMA(10, 1)"
          hist(q, prob=T, br=30, col="skyblue2", main=lbl)
          curve(dgamma(x,10,1), col="red", add=T)

          enter image description here

          Thus, for $n = 10$ the constants $c_1 = 4.975$ and
          $c_2 = 17.084$ for
          a 95% confidence interval are quantiles 0.025 and 0.975, respectively, of $Q sim mathsf{Gamma}(10, 1).$

          qgamma(c(.025, .975), 10, 1)
          [1] 4.795389 17.084803

          In particular, for the exponential sample shown below (second row),
          a 95% confidence interval is $(2.224, 7.922).$ Notice the reversal of the quantiles in 'pivoting' $Q,$ which
          has $mu$ in the denominator.

          set.seed(1234); x = sort(round(rexp(10, 1/5), 2)); x
          [1] 0.03 0.45 1.01 1.23 1.94 3.80 4.12 4.19 8.71 12.51
          t = sum(x); t
          [1] 37.99
          t/qgamma(c(.975, .025), 10, 1)
          [1] 2.223614 7.922194

          Note: Because the chi-squared distribution is a member of the gamma family, it is possible to find endpoints for such a confidence interval in terms of a chi-squared distribution.

          See Wikipedia on exponential distributions under 'confidence intervals'. (That discussion uses rate parameter $lambda$ for the exponential distribution, instead of $mu.)$

          share|cite|improve this answer


          You don't say how the exponential distribution is
          parameterized. Two parameterizations are in common use--mean and rate.

          Let $E(X_i) = mu.$ Then one
          can show that $$frac 1 mu sum_{i=1}^n X_i sim
          mathsf{Gamma}(text{shape} = n, text{rate=scale} = 1).$$

          In R statistical software the exponential distribution is parameterized according rate $lambda = 1/mu.$ Let $n = 10$ and $lambda = 1/5,$ so that $mu = 5.$ The following program simulates $m = 10^6$ samples of size $n = 10$ from $mathsf{Exp}(text{rate} = lambda = 1/5),$ finds $$Q = frac 1 mu sum_{i=1}^n X_i =
          lambda sum_{i=1}^n X_i$$
          for each sample, and plots the histogram of the one million $Q$'s, The figure
          illustrates that $Q sim mathsf{Gamma}(10, 1).$
          (Use MGFs for a formal proof.)

          set.seed(414)   # for reproducibility
          q = replicate(10^5, sum(rexp(10, 1/5))/5)
          lbl = "Simulated Dist'n of Q with Density of GAMMA(10, 1)"
          hist(q, prob=T, br=30, col="skyblue2", main=lbl)
          curve(dgamma(x,10,1), col="red", add=T)

          enter image description here

          Thus, for $n = 10$ the constants $c_1 = 4.975$ and
          $c_2 = 17.084$ for
          a 95% confidence interval are quantiles 0.025 and 0.975, respectively, of $Q sim mathsf{Gamma}(10, 1).$

          qgamma(c(.025, .975), 10, 1)
          [1] 4.795389 17.084803

          In particular, for the exponential sample shown below (second row),
          a 95% confidence interval is $(2.224, 7.922).$ Notice the reversal of the quantiles in 'pivoting' $Q,$ which
          has $mu$ in the denominator.

          set.seed(1234); x = sort(round(rexp(10, 1/5), 2)); x
          [1] 0.03 0.45 1.01 1.23 1.94 3.80 4.12 4.19 8.71 12.51
          t = sum(x); t
          [1] 37.99
          t/qgamma(c(.975, .025), 10, 1)
          [1] 2.223614 7.922194

          Note: Because the chi-squared distribution is a member of the gamma family, it is possible to find endpoints for such a confidence interval in terms of a chi-squared distribution.

          See Wikipedia on exponential distributions under 'confidence intervals'. (That discussion uses rate parameter $lambda$ for the exponential distribution, instead of $mu.)$

          share|cite|improve this answer

          share|cite|improve this answer

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          edited yesterday

          answered yesterday






              Taking $theta$ as the scale parameter, it can be shown that ${n bar{X}}/{theta} sim text{Ga}(n,1)$. To form a confidence interval we choose any critical points $c_1 < c_2$ from the $text{Ga}(n,1)$ distribution such that these points contain probability $1-alpha$ of the distribution. Using the above pivotal quantity we then have:

              $$mathbb{P} Bigg( c_1 leqslant frac{n bar{X}}{theta} leqslant c_2 Bigg) = 1-alpha
              quad quad quad quad quad
              int limits_{c_1}^{c_2} text{Ga}(r|n,1) dr = 1 - alpha.$$

              Re-arranging the inequality in this probability statement and substituting the observed sample mean gives the confidence interval:

              $$text{CI}_theta(1-alpha) = Bigg[ frac{n bar{x}}{c_2} , frac{n bar{x}}{c_1} Bigg].$$

              This confidence interval is valid for any choice of $c_1<c_2$ so long as it obeys the required integral condition. For simplicity, many analysts use the symmetric critical points. However, it is possible to optimise the confidence interval by minimising its length, which we show below.

              Optimising the confidence interval: The length of this confidence interval is proportional to $1/c_1-1/c_2$, and so we minimise the length of the interval by choosing the critical points to minimise this distance. This can be done using the nlm function in R. In the following code we give a function for the minimum-length confidence interval for this problem, which we apply to some simulated data.

              #Set the objective function for minimisation
              OBJECTIVE <- function(c1, n, alpha) {
              pp <- pgamma(c1, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
              c2 <- qgamma(1 - alpha + pp, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
              1/c1 - 1/c2; }

              #Find the minimum-length confidence interval
              CONF_INT <- function(n, alpha, xbar) {
              START_c1 <- qgamma(alpha/2, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
              MINIMISE <- nlm(f = OBJECTIVE, p = START_c1, n = n, alpha = alpha);
              c1 <- MINIMISE$estimate;
              pp <- pgamma(c1, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
              c2 <- qgamma(1 - alpha + pp, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
              c(n*xbar/c2, n*xbar/c1); }

              #Generate simulation data
              n <- 300;
              scale <- 25.4;
              DATA <- rexp(n, rate = 1/scale);

              #Application of confidence interval to simulated data
              n <- length(DATA);
              xbar <- mean(DATA);
              alpha <- 0.05;

              CONF_INT(n, alpha, xbar);

              [1] 23.32040 29.24858

              share|cite|improve this answer




                Taking $theta$ as the scale parameter, it can be shown that ${n bar{X}}/{theta} sim text{Ga}(n,1)$. To form a confidence interval we choose any critical points $c_1 < c_2$ from the $text{Ga}(n,1)$ distribution such that these points contain probability $1-alpha$ of the distribution. Using the above pivotal quantity we then have:

                $$mathbb{P} Bigg( c_1 leqslant frac{n bar{X}}{theta} leqslant c_2 Bigg) = 1-alpha
                quad quad quad quad quad
                int limits_{c_1}^{c_2} text{Ga}(r|n,1) dr = 1 - alpha.$$

                Re-arranging the inequality in this probability statement and substituting the observed sample mean gives the confidence interval:

                $$text{CI}_theta(1-alpha) = Bigg[ frac{n bar{x}}{c_2} , frac{n bar{x}}{c_1} Bigg].$$

                This confidence interval is valid for any choice of $c_1<c_2$ so long as it obeys the required integral condition. For simplicity, many analysts use the symmetric critical points. However, it is possible to optimise the confidence interval by minimising its length, which we show below.

                Optimising the confidence interval: The length of this confidence interval is proportional to $1/c_1-1/c_2$, and so we minimise the length of the interval by choosing the critical points to minimise this distance. This can be done using the nlm function in R. In the following code we give a function for the minimum-length confidence interval for this problem, which we apply to some simulated data.

                #Set the objective function for minimisation
                OBJECTIVE <- function(c1, n, alpha) {
                pp <- pgamma(c1, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                c2 <- qgamma(1 - alpha + pp, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                1/c1 - 1/c2; }

                #Find the minimum-length confidence interval
                CONF_INT <- function(n, alpha, xbar) {
                START_c1 <- qgamma(alpha/2, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                MINIMISE <- nlm(f = OBJECTIVE, p = START_c1, n = n, alpha = alpha);
                c1 <- MINIMISE$estimate;
                pp <- pgamma(c1, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                c2 <- qgamma(1 - alpha + pp, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                c(n*xbar/c2, n*xbar/c1); }

                #Generate simulation data
                n <- 300;
                scale <- 25.4;
                DATA <- rexp(n, rate = 1/scale);

                #Application of confidence interval to simulated data
                n <- length(DATA);
                xbar <- mean(DATA);
                alpha <- 0.05;

                CONF_INT(n, alpha, xbar);

                [1] 23.32040 29.24858

                share|cite|improve this answer






                  Taking $theta$ as the scale parameter, it can be shown that ${n bar{X}}/{theta} sim text{Ga}(n,1)$. To form a confidence interval we choose any critical points $c_1 < c_2$ from the $text{Ga}(n,1)$ distribution such that these points contain probability $1-alpha$ of the distribution. Using the above pivotal quantity we then have:

                  $$mathbb{P} Bigg( c_1 leqslant frac{n bar{X}}{theta} leqslant c_2 Bigg) = 1-alpha
                  quad quad quad quad quad
                  int limits_{c_1}^{c_2} text{Ga}(r|n,1) dr = 1 - alpha.$$

                  Re-arranging the inequality in this probability statement and substituting the observed sample mean gives the confidence interval:

                  $$text{CI}_theta(1-alpha) = Bigg[ frac{n bar{x}}{c_2} , frac{n bar{x}}{c_1} Bigg].$$

                  This confidence interval is valid for any choice of $c_1<c_2$ so long as it obeys the required integral condition. For simplicity, many analysts use the symmetric critical points. However, it is possible to optimise the confidence interval by minimising its length, which we show below.

                  Optimising the confidence interval: The length of this confidence interval is proportional to $1/c_1-1/c_2$, and so we minimise the length of the interval by choosing the critical points to minimise this distance. This can be done using the nlm function in R. In the following code we give a function for the minimum-length confidence interval for this problem, which we apply to some simulated data.

                  #Set the objective function for minimisation
                  OBJECTIVE <- function(c1, n, alpha) {
                  pp <- pgamma(c1, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                  c2 <- qgamma(1 - alpha + pp, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                  1/c1 - 1/c2; }

                  #Find the minimum-length confidence interval
                  CONF_INT <- function(n, alpha, xbar) {
                  START_c1 <- qgamma(alpha/2, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                  MINIMISE <- nlm(f = OBJECTIVE, p = START_c1, n = n, alpha = alpha);
                  c1 <- MINIMISE$estimate;
                  pp <- pgamma(c1, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                  c2 <- qgamma(1 - alpha + pp, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                  c(n*xbar/c2, n*xbar/c1); }

                  #Generate simulation data
                  n <- 300;
                  scale <- 25.4;
                  DATA <- rexp(n, rate = 1/scale);

                  #Application of confidence interval to simulated data
                  n <- length(DATA);
                  xbar <- mean(DATA);
                  alpha <- 0.05;

                  CONF_INT(n, alpha, xbar);

                  [1] 23.32040 29.24858

                  share|cite|improve this answer


                  Taking $theta$ as the scale parameter, it can be shown that ${n bar{X}}/{theta} sim text{Ga}(n,1)$. To form a confidence interval we choose any critical points $c_1 < c_2$ from the $text{Ga}(n,1)$ distribution such that these points contain probability $1-alpha$ of the distribution. Using the above pivotal quantity we then have:

                  $$mathbb{P} Bigg( c_1 leqslant frac{n bar{X}}{theta} leqslant c_2 Bigg) = 1-alpha
                  quad quad quad quad quad
                  int limits_{c_1}^{c_2} text{Ga}(r|n,1) dr = 1 - alpha.$$

                  Re-arranging the inequality in this probability statement and substituting the observed sample mean gives the confidence interval:

                  $$text{CI}_theta(1-alpha) = Bigg[ frac{n bar{x}}{c_2} , frac{n bar{x}}{c_1} Bigg].$$

                  This confidence interval is valid for any choice of $c_1<c_2$ so long as it obeys the required integral condition. For simplicity, many analysts use the symmetric critical points. However, it is possible to optimise the confidence interval by minimising its length, which we show below.

                  Optimising the confidence interval: The length of this confidence interval is proportional to $1/c_1-1/c_2$, and so we minimise the length of the interval by choosing the critical points to minimise this distance. This can be done using the nlm function in R. In the following code we give a function for the minimum-length confidence interval for this problem, which we apply to some simulated data.

                  #Set the objective function for minimisation
                  OBJECTIVE <- function(c1, n, alpha) {
                  pp <- pgamma(c1, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                  c2 <- qgamma(1 - alpha + pp, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                  1/c1 - 1/c2; }

                  #Find the minimum-length confidence interval
                  CONF_INT <- function(n, alpha, xbar) {
                  START_c1 <- qgamma(alpha/2, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                  MINIMISE <- nlm(f = OBJECTIVE, p = START_c1, n = n, alpha = alpha);
                  c1 <- MINIMISE$estimate;
                  pp <- pgamma(c1, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                  c2 <- qgamma(1 - alpha + pp, n, 1, lower.tail = TRUE);
                  c(n*xbar/c2, n*xbar/c1); }

                  #Generate simulation data
                  n <- 300;
                  scale <- 25.4;
                  DATA <- rexp(n, rate = 1/scale);

                  #Application of confidence interval to simulated data
                  n <- length(DATA);
                  xbar <- mean(DATA);
                  alpha <- 0.05;

                  CONF_INT(n, alpha, xbar);

                  [1] 23.32040 29.24858

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  share|cite|improve this answer

                  edited 20 hours ago

                  answered yesterday




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