
Showing posts from March 24, 2019

I am on a Mac laptop and for some reason my wing101 does not have any colour for codeBest code folding plugin...

How to align and center standalone amsmath equations? Using a siddur to Daven from in a seforim store Can I sign legal documents with a smiley face? A social experiment. What is the worst that can happen? Should I install hardwood flooring or cabinets first? Proving a function is onto where f(x)=|x|. Can someone explain how this makes sense electrically? In Star Trek IV, why did the Bounty go back to a time when whales were already rare? Folder comparison How should I respond when I lied about my education and the company finds out through background check? Freedom of speech and where it appli

How to automate change private key of SSH and VPN every 3 hours?sshd_config: disabled PasswordAuthentication...

Structured binding on const Global amount of publications over time Why in book's example is used 言葉(ことば) instead of 言語(げんご)? How to color a curve Java - What do constructor type arguments mean when placed *before* the type? Are all species of CANNA edible? Can I sign legal documents with a smiley face? Confusion on Parallelogram How do you respond to a colleague from another team when they're wrongly expecting that you'll help them? What does this horizontal bar at the first measure mean? Customize circled numbers Why is Arduino resetting wh