Inject Signed Operation Fails With Unrevealed_Key Error2019 Community Moderator ElectionStuck in “Waiting...

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Inject Signed Operation Fails With Unrevealed_Key Error

2019 Community Moderator ElectionStuck in “Waiting for the operation to be included…” InfinitelyFees for various operationHow do I use RPC to get operation through hashWhy a reveal operation?Is it possible to have a transaction operation in any operation's “contents”?Sotez Forge Method Returns “Type Error: Expected String”


I've learned a lot today, and I couldn't have gotten this far so quickly without this StackExchange. I've almost got sending worked out, but I can't for the life of me figure out why this is failing at the point of injection with a "unrevealed_key" error.

I am aware that I should decode the forged transaction and reverify the values to ensure the remote node hasn't tried to change my transaction, but I removed that bit from this post for the sake of simplicity.

const send = (from, to, amount, sk) => {

.then(head => {
const operation = {
branch: head.hash,
contents: [{
kind: 'transaction',
source: from,
fee: '50000',
counter: '31204',
gas_limit: '10200',
storage_limit: '0',
amount: amount,
destination: to,

sotez.tezos.forge(head, operation)
.then(unsigned => {
const binary = unsigned.opbytes

sotez.crypto.sign(binary, sk, '0x03')
.then(signed => {
operation.signature = signed.edsig

sotez.rpc.inject(operation, signed.sbytes)
.then(result => {

send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', 'edskS6KrT1G365PsuQiMVvPgZCS1CKTC5EFc7N...')

Returns: [{"kind":"branch","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.contract.unrevealed_key","contract":"tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj"}]

So I need to reveal this account first. I modified my send method to check if the account has been revealed before, and if not then add the revealing to the list of operations. Now I get {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}.

const send = (from, to, amount, keys, revealed) => {

.then(head => {
const operation = {
branch: head.hash,
contents: [{
kind: 'transaction',
source: from,
fee: '50000',
counter: '31205',
gas_limit: '10200',
storage_limit: '0',
amount: amount,
destination: to

if (!revealed) {
kind: 'reveal',
fee: '1269',
counter: '31204',
source: from,
gas_limit: '10000',
storage_limit: '0',

tezos.tezos.forge(head, operation)
.then(unsigned => {
const binary = unsigned.opbytes

tezos.crypto.sign(binary,, '0x03')
.then(signed => {
operation.signature = signed.edsig

tezos.rpc.inject(operation, signed.sbytes)
.then(result => {

send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', keys, false)

This worked, using sendOperation

const send = (from, to, amount, keys) => {

.then(head => {
const operation = {
kind: 'transaction',
source: from,
fee: '50000',
gas_limit: '10200',
storage_limit: '0',
amount: amount,
destination: to

const params = {

sotez.rpc.sendOperation({from, operation, keys})
.then(result => {

send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', keys)

share|improve this question

New contributor

Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


    I've learned a lot today, and I couldn't have gotten this far so quickly without this StackExchange. I've almost got sending worked out, but I can't for the life of me figure out why this is failing at the point of injection with a "unrevealed_key" error.

    I am aware that I should decode the forged transaction and reverify the values to ensure the remote node hasn't tried to change my transaction, but I removed that bit from this post for the sake of simplicity.

    const send = (from, to, amount, sk) => {

    .then(head => {
    const operation = {
    branch: head.hash,
    contents: [{
    kind: 'transaction',
    source: from,
    fee: '50000',
    counter: '31204',
    gas_limit: '10200',
    storage_limit: '0',
    amount: amount,
    destination: to,

    sotez.tezos.forge(head, operation)
    .then(unsigned => {
    const binary = unsigned.opbytes

    sotez.crypto.sign(binary, sk, '0x03')
    .then(signed => {
    operation.signature = signed.edsig

    sotez.rpc.inject(operation, signed.sbytes)
    .then(result => {

    send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', 'edskS6KrT1G365PsuQiMVvPgZCS1CKTC5EFc7N...')

    Returns: [{"kind":"branch","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.contract.unrevealed_key","contract":"tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj"}]

    So I need to reveal this account first. I modified my send method to check if the account has been revealed before, and if not then add the revealing to the list of operations. Now I get {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}.

    const send = (from, to, amount, keys, revealed) => {

    .then(head => {
    const operation = {
    branch: head.hash,
    contents: [{
    kind: 'transaction',
    source: from,
    fee: '50000',
    counter: '31205',
    gas_limit: '10200',
    storage_limit: '0',
    amount: amount,
    destination: to

    if (!revealed) {
    kind: 'reveal',
    fee: '1269',
    counter: '31204',
    source: from,
    gas_limit: '10000',
    storage_limit: '0',

    tezos.tezos.forge(head, operation)
    .then(unsigned => {
    const binary = unsigned.opbytes

    tezos.crypto.sign(binary,, '0x03')
    .then(signed => {
    operation.signature = signed.edsig

    tezos.rpc.inject(operation, signed.sbytes)
    .then(result => {

    send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', keys, false)

    This worked, using sendOperation

    const send = (from, to, amount, keys) => {

    .then(head => {
    const operation = {
    kind: 'transaction',
    source: from,
    fee: '50000',
    gas_limit: '10200',
    storage_limit: '0',
    amount: amount,
    destination: to

    const params = {

    sotez.rpc.sendOperation({from, operation, keys})
    .then(result => {

    send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', keys)

    share|improve this question

    New contributor

    Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.




      I've learned a lot today, and I couldn't have gotten this far so quickly without this StackExchange. I've almost got sending worked out, but I can't for the life of me figure out why this is failing at the point of injection with a "unrevealed_key" error.

      I am aware that I should decode the forged transaction and reverify the values to ensure the remote node hasn't tried to change my transaction, but I removed that bit from this post for the sake of simplicity.

      const send = (from, to, amount, sk) => {

      .then(head => {
      const operation = {
      branch: head.hash,
      contents: [{
      kind: 'transaction',
      source: from,
      fee: '50000',
      counter: '31204',
      gas_limit: '10200',
      storage_limit: '0',
      amount: amount,
      destination: to,

      sotez.tezos.forge(head, operation)
      .then(unsigned => {
      const binary = unsigned.opbytes

      sotez.crypto.sign(binary, sk, '0x03')
      .then(signed => {
      operation.signature = signed.edsig

      sotez.rpc.inject(operation, signed.sbytes)
      .then(result => {

      send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', 'edskS6KrT1G365PsuQiMVvPgZCS1CKTC5EFc7N...')

      Returns: [{"kind":"branch","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.contract.unrevealed_key","contract":"tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj"}]

      So I need to reveal this account first. I modified my send method to check if the account has been revealed before, and if not then add the revealing to the list of operations. Now I get {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}.

      const send = (from, to, amount, keys, revealed) => {

      .then(head => {
      const operation = {
      branch: head.hash,
      contents: [{
      kind: 'transaction',
      source: from,
      fee: '50000',
      counter: '31205',
      gas_limit: '10200',
      storage_limit: '0',
      amount: amount,
      destination: to

      if (!revealed) {
      kind: 'reveal',
      fee: '1269',
      counter: '31204',
      source: from,
      gas_limit: '10000',
      storage_limit: '0',

      tezos.tezos.forge(head, operation)
      .then(unsigned => {
      const binary = unsigned.opbytes

      tezos.crypto.sign(binary,, '0x03')
      .then(signed => {
      operation.signature = signed.edsig

      tezos.rpc.inject(operation, signed.sbytes)
      .then(result => {

      send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', keys, false)

      This worked, using sendOperation

      const send = (from, to, amount, keys) => {

      .then(head => {
      const operation = {
      kind: 'transaction',
      source: from,
      fee: '50000',
      gas_limit: '10200',
      storage_limit: '0',
      amount: amount,
      destination: to

      const params = {

      sotez.rpc.sendOperation({from, operation, keys})
      .then(result => {

      send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', keys)

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      I've learned a lot today, and I couldn't have gotten this far so quickly without this StackExchange. I've almost got sending worked out, but I can't for the life of me figure out why this is failing at the point of injection with a "unrevealed_key" error.

      I am aware that I should decode the forged transaction and reverify the values to ensure the remote node hasn't tried to change my transaction, but I removed that bit from this post for the sake of simplicity.

      const send = (from, to, amount, sk) => {

      .then(head => {
      const operation = {
      branch: head.hash,
      contents: [{
      kind: 'transaction',
      source: from,
      fee: '50000',
      counter: '31204',
      gas_limit: '10200',
      storage_limit: '0',
      amount: amount,
      destination: to,

      sotez.tezos.forge(head, operation)
      .then(unsigned => {
      const binary = unsigned.opbytes

      sotez.crypto.sign(binary, sk, '0x03')
      .then(signed => {
      operation.signature = signed.edsig

      sotez.rpc.inject(operation, signed.sbytes)
      .then(result => {

      send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', 'edskS6KrT1G365PsuQiMVvPgZCS1CKTC5EFc7N...')

      Returns: [{"kind":"branch","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.contract.unrevealed_key","contract":"tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj"}]

      So I need to reveal this account first. I modified my send method to check if the account has been revealed before, and if not then add the revealing to the list of operations. Now I get {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}.

      const send = (from, to, amount, keys, revealed) => {

      .then(head => {
      const operation = {
      branch: head.hash,
      contents: [{
      kind: 'transaction',
      source: from,
      fee: '50000',
      counter: '31205',
      gas_limit: '10200',
      storage_limit: '0',
      amount: amount,
      destination: to

      if (!revealed) {
      kind: 'reveal',
      fee: '1269',
      counter: '31204',
      source: from,
      gas_limit: '10000',
      storage_limit: '0',

      tezos.tezos.forge(head, operation)
      .then(unsigned => {
      const binary = unsigned.opbytes

      tezos.crypto.sign(binary,, '0x03')
      .then(signed => {
      operation.signature = signed.edsig

      tezos.rpc.inject(operation, signed.sbytes)
      .then(result => {

      send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', keys, false)

      This worked, using sendOperation

      const send = (from, to, amount, keys) => {

      .then(head => {
      const operation = {
      kind: 'transaction',
      source: from,
      fee: '50000',
      gas_limit: '10200',
      storage_limit: '0',
      amount: amount,
      destination: to

      const params = {

      sotez.rpc.sendOperation({from, operation, keys})
      .then(result => {

      send('tz1htPf3VPXrHBTX1E7y3tBteib6hA9Teosj', 'tz3WXYtyDUNL91qfiCJtVUX746QpNv5i5ve5', '1000000', keys)


      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      New contributor

      Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 4 hours ago

      Michael Rodriguez

      New contributor

      Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      asked 5 hours ago

      Michael RodriguezMichael Rodriguez



      New contributor

      Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      New contributor

      Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

      Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.

          1 Answer





          Before sending transactions from an account, a 'reveal' operation must be made for the account. It looks like this account may have been activated, but not yet revealed. To make this work we would need to include the reveal operation in the list of operations:

          .then(head => {
          const operation = {
          branch: head.hash,
          contents: [
          kind: 'reveal',
          fee: '1269',
          counter: '31204',
          source: from,
          gas_limit: '10000',
          storage_limit: '0',
          kind: 'transaction',
          source: from,
          fee: '50000',
          counter: '31205',
          gas_limit: '10200',
          storage_limit: '0',
          amount: amount,
          destination: to,

          After the account has been revealed, the reveal is not needed to be included in the operations thereafter.

          SendOperation Answer:

          const send = (from, to, amount, keys) => {
          const operation = {
          kind: 'transaction',
          source: from,
          fee: '50000',
          gas_limit: '10200',
          storage_limit: '0',
          amount: `${amount}`,
          destination: to,

          rpc.sendOperation({ from, operation, keys })
          .then(result => console.log(result));

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          AKISH is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • Thanks! I edited my question with the reveal operation added. When I run it now, it just hangs with no result or error.

            – Michael Rodriguez
            5 hours ago

          • Ah nevermind, it was because of the counter increment. I noticed your edit and fixed it in my method. Oddly, though, now I'm getting this error: {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}

            – Michael Rodriguez
            5 hours ago

          • Have you tried the same transfer using rpc.sendOperation? sendOperation should handle whether the transaction needs a reveal and all the counters for the operations.

            – AKISH
            4 hours ago

          • 1

            I'll have to see what is making the responses hang, bit I think I tried one of your examples from earlier and noticed that the amount key wasn't being handled correctly in sotez (was supposed to be coerced into a string). If you try your sendOperation and make the amount a string, as well as adding a fee, gas_limit, and storage_limit that may work.

            – AKISH
            4 hours ago

          • 1

            I just remembered that sendOperation takes a params object containing the from, the operation, and the keys. I've updated my question, and it worked!

            – Michael Rodriguez
            4 hours ago

          Your Answer

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          Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          Before sending transactions from an account, a 'reveal' operation must be made for the account. It looks like this account may have been activated, but not yet revealed. To make this work we would need to include the reveal operation in the list of operations:

          .then(head => {
          const operation = {
          branch: head.hash,
          contents: [
          kind: 'reveal',
          fee: '1269',
          counter: '31204',
          source: from,
          gas_limit: '10000',
          storage_limit: '0',
          kind: 'transaction',
          source: from,
          fee: '50000',
          counter: '31205',
          gas_limit: '10200',
          storage_limit: '0',
          amount: amount,
          destination: to,

          After the account has been revealed, the reveal is not needed to be included in the operations thereafter.

          SendOperation Answer:

          const send = (from, to, amount, keys) => {
          const operation = {
          kind: 'transaction',
          source: from,
          fee: '50000',
          gas_limit: '10200',
          storage_limit: '0',
          amount: `${amount}`,
          destination: to,

          rpc.sendOperation({ from, operation, keys })
          .then(result => console.log(result));

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          AKISH is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • Thanks! I edited my question with the reveal operation added. When I run it now, it just hangs with no result or error.

            – Michael Rodriguez
            5 hours ago

          • Ah nevermind, it was because of the counter increment. I noticed your edit and fixed it in my method. Oddly, though, now I'm getting this error: {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}

            – Michael Rodriguez
            5 hours ago

          • Have you tried the same transfer using rpc.sendOperation? sendOperation should handle whether the transaction needs a reveal and all the counters for the operations.

            – AKISH
            4 hours ago

          • 1

            I'll have to see what is making the responses hang, bit I think I tried one of your examples from earlier and noticed that the amount key wasn't being handled correctly in sotez (was supposed to be coerced into a string). If you try your sendOperation and make the amount a string, as well as adding a fee, gas_limit, and storage_limit that may work.

            – AKISH
            4 hours ago

          • 1

            I just remembered that sendOperation takes a params object containing the from, the operation, and the keys. I've updated my question, and it worked!

            – Michael Rodriguez
            4 hours ago


          Before sending transactions from an account, a 'reveal' operation must be made for the account. It looks like this account may have been activated, but not yet revealed. To make this work we would need to include the reveal operation in the list of operations:

          .then(head => {
          const operation = {
          branch: head.hash,
          contents: [
          kind: 'reveal',
          fee: '1269',
          counter: '31204',
          source: from,
          gas_limit: '10000',
          storage_limit: '0',
          kind: 'transaction',
          source: from,
          fee: '50000',
          counter: '31205',
          gas_limit: '10200',
          storage_limit: '0',
          amount: amount,
          destination: to,

          After the account has been revealed, the reveal is not needed to be included in the operations thereafter.

          SendOperation Answer:

          const send = (from, to, amount, keys) => {
          const operation = {
          kind: 'transaction',
          source: from,
          fee: '50000',
          gas_limit: '10200',
          storage_limit: '0',
          amount: `${amount}`,
          destination: to,

          rpc.sendOperation({ from, operation, keys })
          .then(result => console.log(result));

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          AKISH is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • Thanks! I edited my question with the reveal operation added. When I run it now, it just hangs with no result or error.

            – Michael Rodriguez
            5 hours ago

          • Ah nevermind, it was because of the counter increment. I noticed your edit and fixed it in my method. Oddly, though, now I'm getting this error: {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}

            – Michael Rodriguez
            5 hours ago

          • Have you tried the same transfer using rpc.sendOperation? sendOperation should handle whether the transaction needs a reveal and all the counters for the operations.

            – AKISH
            4 hours ago

          • 1

            I'll have to see what is making the responses hang, bit I think I tried one of your examples from earlier and noticed that the amount key wasn't being handled correctly in sotez (was supposed to be coerced into a string). If you try your sendOperation and make the amount a string, as well as adding a fee, gas_limit, and storage_limit that may work.

            – AKISH
            4 hours ago

          • 1

            I just remembered that sendOperation takes a params object containing the from, the operation, and the keys. I've updated my question, and it worked!

            – Michael Rodriguez
            4 hours ago




          Before sending transactions from an account, a 'reveal' operation must be made for the account. It looks like this account may have been activated, but not yet revealed. To make this work we would need to include the reveal operation in the list of operations:

          .then(head => {
          const operation = {
          branch: head.hash,
          contents: [
          kind: 'reveal',
          fee: '1269',
          counter: '31204',
          source: from,
          gas_limit: '10000',
          storage_limit: '0',
          kind: 'transaction',
          source: from,
          fee: '50000',
          counter: '31205',
          gas_limit: '10200',
          storage_limit: '0',
          amount: amount,
          destination: to,

          After the account has been revealed, the reveal is not needed to be included in the operations thereafter.

          SendOperation Answer:

          const send = (from, to, amount, keys) => {
          const operation = {
          kind: 'transaction',
          source: from,
          fee: '50000',
          gas_limit: '10200',
          storage_limit: '0',
          amount: `${amount}`,
          destination: to,

          rpc.sendOperation({ from, operation, keys })
          .then(result => console.log(result));

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          AKISH is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          Before sending transactions from an account, a 'reveal' operation must be made for the account. It looks like this account may have been activated, but not yet revealed. To make this work we would need to include the reveal operation in the list of operations:

          .then(head => {
          const operation = {
          branch: head.hash,
          contents: [
          kind: 'reveal',
          fee: '1269',
          counter: '31204',
          source: from,
          gas_limit: '10000',
          storage_limit: '0',
          kind: 'transaction',
          source: from,
          fee: '50000',
          counter: '31205',
          gas_limit: '10200',
          storage_limit: '0',
          amount: amount,
          destination: to,

          After the account has been revealed, the reveal is not needed to be included in the operations thereafter.

          SendOperation Answer:

          const send = (from, to, amount, keys) => {
          const operation = {
          kind: 'transaction',
          source: from,
          fee: '50000',
          gas_limit: '10200',
          storage_limit: '0',
          amount: `${amount}`,
          destination: to,

          rpc.sendOperation({ from, operation, keys })
          .then(result => console.log(result));

          share|improve this answer

          New contributor

          AKISH is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited 4 hours ago

          New contributor

          AKISH is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          answered 5 hours ago




          New contributor

          AKISH is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          New contributor

          AKISH is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          AKISH is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
          Check out our Code of Conduct.

          • Thanks! I edited my question with the reveal operation added. When I run it now, it just hangs with no result or error.

            – Michael Rodriguez
            5 hours ago

          • Ah nevermind, it was because of the counter increment. I noticed your edit and fixed it in my method. Oddly, though, now I'm getting this error: {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}

            – Michael Rodriguez
            5 hours ago

          • Have you tried the same transfer using rpc.sendOperation? sendOperation should handle whether the transaction needs a reveal and all the counters for the operations.

            – AKISH
            4 hours ago

          • 1

            I'll have to see what is making the responses hang, bit I think I tried one of your examples from earlier and noticed that the amount key wasn't being handled correctly in sotez (was supposed to be coerced into a string). If you try your sendOperation and make the amount a string, as well as adding a fee, gas_limit, and storage_limit that may work.

            – AKISH
            4 hours ago

          • 1

            I just remembered that sendOperation takes a params object containing the from, the operation, and the keys. I've updated my question, and it worked!

            – Michael Rodriguez
            4 hours ago

          • Thanks! I edited my question with the reveal operation added. When I run it now, it just hangs with no result or error.

            – Michael Rodriguez
            5 hours ago

          • Ah nevermind, it was because of the counter increment. I noticed your edit and fixed it in my method. Oddly, though, now I'm getting this error: {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}

            – Michael Rodriguez
            5 hours ago

          • Have you tried the same transfer using rpc.sendOperation? sendOperation should handle whether the transaction needs a reveal and all the counters for the operations.

            – AKISH
            4 hours ago

          • 1

            I'll have to see what is making the responses hang, bit I think I tried one of your examples from earlier and noticed that the amount key wasn't being handled correctly in sotez (was supposed to be coerced into a string). If you try your sendOperation and make the amount a string, as well as adding a fee, gas_limit, and storage_limit that may work.

            – AKISH
            4 hours ago

          • 1

            I just remembered that sendOperation takes a params object containing the from, the operation, and the keys. I've updated my question, and it worked!

            – Michael Rodriguez
            4 hours ago

          Thanks! I edited my question with the reveal operation added. When I run it now, it just hangs with no result or error.

          – Michael Rodriguez
          5 hours ago

          Thanks! I edited my question with the reveal operation added. When I run it now, it just hangs with no result or error.

          – Michael Rodriguez
          5 hours ago

          Ah nevermind, it was because of the counter increment. I noticed your edit and fixed it in my method. Oddly, though, now I'm getting this error: {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}

          – Michael Rodriguez
          5 hours ago

          Ah nevermind, it was because of the counter increment. I noticed your edit and fixed it in my method. Oddly, though, now I'm getting this error: {"kind":"permanent","id":"proto.003-PsddFKi3.operation.invalid_signature"}

          – Michael Rodriguez
          5 hours ago

          Have you tried the same transfer using rpc.sendOperation? sendOperation should handle whether the transaction needs a reveal and all the counters for the operations.

          – AKISH
          4 hours ago

          Have you tried the same transfer using rpc.sendOperation? sendOperation should handle whether the transaction needs a reveal and all the counters for the operations.

          – AKISH
          4 hours ago



          I'll have to see what is making the responses hang, bit I think I tried one of your examples from earlier and noticed that the amount key wasn't being handled correctly in sotez (was supposed to be coerced into a string). If you try your sendOperation and make the amount a string, as well as adding a fee, gas_limit, and storage_limit that may work.

          – AKISH
          4 hours ago

          I'll have to see what is making the responses hang, bit I think I tried one of your examples from earlier and noticed that the amount key wasn't being handled correctly in sotez (was supposed to be coerced into a string). If you try your sendOperation and make the amount a string, as well as adding a fee, gas_limit, and storage_limit that may work.

          – AKISH
          4 hours ago



          I just remembered that sendOperation takes a params object containing the from, the operation, and the keys. I've updated my question, and it worked!

          – Michael Rodriguez
          4 hours ago

          I just remembered that sendOperation takes a params object containing the from, the operation, and the keys. I've updated my question, and it worked!

          – Michael Rodriguez
          4 hours ago

          Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

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          Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

          Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

          Michael Rodriguez is a new contributor. Be nice, and check out our Code of Conduct.

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          • Please be sure to answer the question. Provide details and share your research!

          But avoid

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          • Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience.

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