Apex CPU Time Limit Exceeded error for DateMethods.Year()apex cpu time limit exceeded error in salesforceAPEX...

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Apex CPU Time Limit Exceeded error for DateMethods.Year()

apex cpu time limit exceeded error in salesforceAPEX CPU Time limit exceeded error. Any suggestions?solution for apex cpu time limit exceeded exceptionTrigger Error: System.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceededNeed help with the error : : Apex CPU time limit exceededSystem.LimitException: Apex CPU time limit exceeded Error on AccountApex CPU time limit exceededCPU Time Limit Exceeded for managed packageApex CPU time limit exceeded for custom CommissionUpdate triggerApex Cpu Limit Exceeded Error in trigger


I am getting Apex CPU time limit exceeded even though the listhistoricalList is small (has 14 Records in it).

String soql = 'SELECT Id, Name, SoM_Business_Location_Status__c, SoM_Shipping_Address__c, SoM_ShippingAddress2__c, SoM_Shipping_CityStateZip__c, ' +
'Primary_Contact_Signing_Authority__r.Name, DBA__c, SoM_County__c, Current_LGU_Account__c, SoM_LARA_Business_ID__c ' +
',(SELECT Id FROM Complaint_Violations__r LIMIT 1) ' +
'FROM Account ';
String whereClause = '';
if (accountIds.size() > 0) {
whereClause += 'WHERE Id IN :accountIds ';
} else {
whereClause += 'WHERE Id!=null ';

// Query and populate the list
licensees = Database.query(soql + whereClause + soqlFilter + 'LIMIT 10001 ');
// Get record count and provide warning message if necessary
if (licensees.size() == 10001) {
licensees.remove(licensees.size() - 1);
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Warning,
'Warning! More than 10,000 records found.' +
' All records are not displayed. Please consider using filter' +
' to limit the number of records.'));

// Prepare account set to get historical sales list for the licensees
Set<Id> accountSet = new Set<Id> ();
for (Account acc : licensees) {
accountPreviousYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
accountNextYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
// Query and populate account sales map
List<Historical_Sales_Records__c> historicalList = [SELECT Id, Account__c, Sales_Amount__c, Date__c, Year__c
FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
WHERE Account__c = :accountSet];
for (Historical_Sales_Records__c s : historicalList) {
if (s.Date__c != null) {
if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year() - 1) {
accountPreviousYearSales.put(s.Account__c, accountPreviousYearSales.get(s.Account__c) + s.Sales_Amount__c);
} else if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year()) {
accountNextYearSales.put(s.Account__c, accountNextYearSales.get(s.Account__c) + s.Sales_Amount__c);

getting Apex CPU Time limit Exceeded at line: if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year() - 1)

Please see this image:

enter image description here


Made these changes:

Set<Id> accountSet = new Set<Id> ();
for (Account acc : licensees) {
accountPreviousYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
accountNextYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);

Integer previousYear = Date.today().year()-1;
Integer currentyear = Date.Today().year();
string previousyearstring = '%'+string.valueof(previousYear)+'%';
string currentyearstring = '%'+string.valueof(currentyear)+'%';

AggregateResult[] data = [
SELECT Account__c AccountId, Year__c year, SUM(Sales_Amount__c) sum
FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
WHERE Account__c = :accountSet AND (Year__c = :previousyearstring OR Year__c = :currentyearstring) GROUP BY Account__c, Year__c

for(AggregateResult item: data) {
String year = (String)item.get('year');
Decimal sum = (Decimal)item.get('sum');
Id accId = (Id)item.get('AccountId');
(currentyearstring == year? accountNextYearSales: accountPreviousYearSales).put(accId, sum);

Now, i am not getting this value in VF page:

<apex:repeat value="{!licensees}" var="acc">
<a href="#" onclick="showDetail('{!acc.Id}'),setScrollTo('#details')">{!acc.SoM_LARA_Business_ID__c}</a>
<apex:outputtext value="{!acc.SoM_Shipping_Address__c} {!acc.SoM_ShippingAddress2__c} {!acc.SoM_Shipping_CityStateZip__c}" escape="false" />
<a href="#" onclick="showDetail('{!acc.Id}'),setScrollTo('#violations')">{!if(acc.Complaint_Violations__r.size>0,'Y','N')}</a>

enter image description here

share|improve this question


    I am getting Apex CPU time limit exceeded even though the listhistoricalList is small (has 14 Records in it).

    String soql = 'SELECT Id, Name, SoM_Business_Location_Status__c, SoM_Shipping_Address__c, SoM_ShippingAddress2__c, SoM_Shipping_CityStateZip__c, ' +
    'Primary_Contact_Signing_Authority__r.Name, DBA__c, SoM_County__c, Current_LGU_Account__c, SoM_LARA_Business_ID__c ' +
    ',(SELECT Id FROM Complaint_Violations__r LIMIT 1) ' +
    'FROM Account ';
    String whereClause = '';
    if (accountIds.size() > 0) {
    whereClause += 'WHERE Id IN :accountIds ';
    } else {
    whereClause += 'WHERE Id!=null ';

    // Query and populate the list
    licensees = Database.query(soql + whereClause + soqlFilter + 'LIMIT 10001 ');
    // Get record count and provide warning message if necessary
    if (licensees.size() == 10001) {
    licensees.remove(licensees.size() - 1);
    ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Warning,
    'Warning! More than 10,000 records found.' +
    ' All records are not displayed. Please consider using filter' +
    ' to limit the number of records.'));

    // Prepare account set to get historical sales list for the licensees
    Set<Id> accountSet = new Set<Id> ();
    for (Account acc : licensees) {
    accountPreviousYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
    accountNextYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
    // Query and populate account sales map
    List<Historical_Sales_Records__c> historicalList = [SELECT Id, Account__c, Sales_Amount__c, Date__c, Year__c
    FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
    WHERE Account__c = :accountSet];
    for (Historical_Sales_Records__c s : historicalList) {
    if (s.Date__c != null) {
    if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year() - 1) {
    accountPreviousYearSales.put(s.Account__c, accountPreviousYearSales.get(s.Account__c) + s.Sales_Amount__c);
    } else if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year()) {
    accountNextYearSales.put(s.Account__c, accountNextYearSales.get(s.Account__c) + s.Sales_Amount__c);

    getting Apex CPU Time limit Exceeded at line: if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year() - 1)

    Please see this image:

    enter image description here


    Made these changes:

    Set<Id> accountSet = new Set<Id> ();
    for (Account acc : licensees) {
    accountPreviousYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
    accountNextYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);

    Integer previousYear = Date.today().year()-1;
    Integer currentyear = Date.Today().year();
    string previousyearstring = '%'+string.valueof(previousYear)+'%';
    string currentyearstring = '%'+string.valueof(currentyear)+'%';

    AggregateResult[] data = [
    SELECT Account__c AccountId, Year__c year, SUM(Sales_Amount__c) sum
    FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
    WHERE Account__c = :accountSet AND (Year__c = :previousyearstring OR Year__c = :currentyearstring) GROUP BY Account__c, Year__c

    for(AggregateResult item: data) {
    String year = (String)item.get('year');
    Decimal sum = (Decimal)item.get('sum');
    Id accId = (Id)item.get('AccountId');
    (currentyearstring == year? accountNextYearSales: accountPreviousYearSales).put(accId, sum);

    Now, i am not getting this value in VF page:

    <apex:repeat value="{!licensees}" var="acc">
    <a href="#" onclick="showDetail('{!acc.Id}'),setScrollTo('#details')">{!acc.SoM_LARA_Business_ID__c}</a>
    <apex:outputtext value="{!acc.SoM_Shipping_Address__c} {!acc.SoM_ShippingAddress2__c} {!acc.SoM_Shipping_CityStateZip__c}" escape="false" />
    <a href="#" onclick="showDetail('{!acc.Id}'),setScrollTo('#violations')">{!if(acc.Complaint_Violations__r.size>0,'Y','N')}</a>

    enter image description here

    share|improve this question




      I am getting Apex CPU time limit exceeded even though the listhistoricalList is small (has 14 Records in it).

      String soql = 'SELECT Id, Name, SoM_Business_Location_Status__c, SoM_Shipping_Address__c, SoM_ShippingAddress2__c, SoM_Shipping_CityStateZip__c, ' +
      'Primary_Contact_Signing_Authority__r.Name, DBA__c, SoM_County__c, Current_LGU_Account__c, SoM_LARA_Business_ID__c ' +
      ',(SELECT Id FROM Complaint_Violations__r LIMIT 1) ' +
      'FROM Account ';
      String whereClause = '';
      if (accountIds.size() > 0) {
      whereClause += 'WHERE Id IN :accountIds ';
      } else {
      whereClause += 'WHERE Id!=null ';

      // Query and populate the list
      licensees = Database.query(soql + whereClause + soqlFilter + 'LIMIT 10001 ');
      // Get record count and provide warning message if necessary
      if (licensees.size() == 10001) {
      licensees.remove(licensees.size() - 1);
      ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Warning,
      'Warning! More than 10,000 records found.' +
      ' All records are not displayed. Please consider using filter' +
      ' to limit the number of records.'));

      // Prepare account set to get historical sales list for the licensees
      Set<Id> accountSet = new Set<Id> ();
      for (Account acc : licensees) {
      accountPreviousYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
      accountNextYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
      // Query and populate account sales map
      List<Historical_Sales_Records__c> historicalList = [SELECT Id, Account__c, Sales_Amount__c, Date__c, Year__c
      FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
      WHERE Account__c = :accountSet];
      for (Historical_Sales_Records__c s : historicalList) {
      if (s.Date__c != null) {
      if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year() - 1) {
      accountPreviousYearSales.put(s.Account__c, accountPreviousYearSales.get(s.Account__c) + s.Sales_Amount__c);
      } else if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year()) {
      accountNextYearSales.put(s.Account__c, accountNextYearSales.get(s.Account__c) + s.Sales_Amount__c);

      getting Apex CPU Time limit Exceeded at line: if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year() - 1)

      Please see this image:

      enter image description here


      Made these changes:

      Set<Id> accountSet = new Set<Id> ();
      for (Account acc : licensees) {
      accountPreviousYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
      accountNextYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);

      Integer previousYear = Date.today().year()-1;
      Integer currentyear = Date.Today().year();
      string previousyearstring = '%'+string.valueof(previousYear)+'%';
      string currentyearstring = '%'+string.valueof(currentyear)+'%';

      AggregateResult[] data = [
      SELECT Account__c AccountId, Year__c year, SUM(Sales_Amount__c) sum
      FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
      WHERE Account__c = :accountSet AND (Year__c = :previousyearstring OR Year__c = :currentyearstring) GROUP BY Account__c, Year__c

      for(AggregateResult item: data) {
      String year = (String)item.get('year');
      Decimal sum = (Decimal)item.get('sum');
      Id accId = (Id)item.get('AccountId');
      (currentyearstring == year? accountNextYearSales: accountPreviousYearSales).put(accId, sum);

      Now, i am not getting this value in VF page:

      <apex:repeat value="{!licensees}" var="acc">
      <a href="#" onclick="showDetail('{!acc.Id}'),setScrollTo('#details')">{!acc.SoM_LARA_Business_ID__c}</a>
      <apex:outputtext value="{!acc.SoM_Shipping_Address__c} {!acc.SoM_ShippingAddress2__c} {!acc.SoM_Shipping_CityStateZip__c}" escape="false" />
      <a href="#" onclick="showDetail('{!acc.Id}'),setScrollTo('#violations')">{!if(acc.Complaint_Violations__r.size>0,'Y','N')}</a>

      enter image description here

      share|improve this question

      I am getting Apex CPU time limit exceeded even though the listhistoricalList is small (has 14 Records in it).

      String soql = 'SELECT Id, Name, SoM_Business_Location_Status__c, SoM_Shipping_Address__c, SoM_ShippingAddress2__c, SoM_Shipping_CityStateZip__c, ' +
      'Primary_Contact_Signing_Authority__r.Name, DBA__c, SoM_County__c, Current_LGU_Account__c, SoM_LARA_Business_ID__c ' +
      ',(SELECT Id FROM Complaint_Violations__r LIMIT 1) ' +
      'FROM Account ';
      String whereClause = '';
      if (accountIds.size() > 0) {
      whereClause += 'WHERE Id IN :accountIds ';
      } else {
      whereClause += 'WHERE Id!=null ';

      // Query and populate the list
      licensees = Database.query(soql + whereClause + soqlFilter + 'LIMIT 10001 ');
      // Get record count and provide warning message if necessary
      if (licensees.size() == 10001) {
      licensees.remove(licensees.size() - 1);
      ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Warning,
      'Warning! More than 10,000 records found.' +
      ' All records are not displayed. Please consider using filter' +
      ' to limit the number of records.'));

      // Prepare account set to get historical sales list for the licensees
      Set<Id> accountSet = new Set<Id> ();
      for (Account acc : licensees) {
      accountPreviousYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
      accountNextYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
      // Query and populate account sales map
      List<Historical_Sales_Records__c> historicalList = [SELECT Id, Account__c, Sales_Amount__c, Date__c, Year__c
      FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
      WHERE Account__c = :accountSet];
      for (Historical_Sales_Records__c s : historicalList) {
      if (s.Date__c != null) {
      if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year() - 1) {
      accountPreviousYearSales.put(s.Account__c, accountPreviousYearSales.get(s.Account__c) + s.Sales_Amount__c);
      } else if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year()) {
      accountNextYearSales.put(s.Account__c, accountNextYearSales.get(s.Account__c) + s.Sales_Amount__c);

      getting Apex CPU Time limit Exceeded at line: if (Date.valueOf(s.Date__c).year() == System.today().year() - 1)

      Please see this image:

      enter image description here


      Made these changes:

      Set<Id> accountSet = new Set<Id> ();
      for (Account acc : licensees) {
      accountPreviousYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);
      accountNextYearSales.put(acc.Id, 0);

      Integer previousYear = Date.today().year()-1;
      Integer currentyear = Date.Today().year();
      string previousyearstring = '%'+string.valueof(previousYear)+'%';
      string currentyearstring = '%'+string.valueof(currentyear)+'%';

      AggregateResult[] data = [
      SELECT Account__c AccountId, Year__c year, SUM(Sales_Amount__c) sum
      FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
      WHERE Account__c = :accountSet AND (Year__c = :previousyearstring OR Year__c = :currentyearstring) GROUP BY Account__c, Year__c

      for(AggregateResult item: data) {
      String year = (String)item.get('year');
      Decimal sum = (Decimal)item.get('sum');
      Id accId = (Id)item.get('AccountId');
      (currentyearstring == year? accountNextYearSales: accountPreviousYearSales).put(accId, sum);

      Now, i am not getting this value in VF page:

      <apex:repeat value="{!licensees}" var="acc">
      <a href="#" onclick="showDetail('{!acc.Id}'),setScrollTo('#details')">{!acc.SoM_LARA_Business_ID__c}</a>
      <apex:outputtext value="{!acc.SoM_Shipping_Address__c} {!acc.SoM_ShippingAddress2__c} {!acc.SoM_Shipping_CityStateZip__c}" escape="false" />
      <a href="#" onclick="showDetail('{!acc.Id}'),setScrollTo('#violations')">{!if(acc.Complaint_Violations__r.size>0,'Y','N')}</a>

      enter image description here

      apex cpulimit

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 6 hours ago


      asked 8 hours ago




          1 Answer





          today() was called 5082 times, meaning there were at least 2541 records in the list. That whole mess could be avoided if you used an aggregate result query:

          AggregateResult[] data = [
          SELECT Account__c AccountId, CALENDAR_YEAR(Date__c) year, SUM(Sales_Amount__c) sum
          FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
          WHERE Account__c = :accountSet AND Date__c >= LAST_YEAR AND Date__c > NEXT_YEAR
          GROUP BY Account__c, CALENDAR_YEAR(Date___c)
          Decimal thisYear = Date.today().year();
          for(AggregateResult item: data) {
          Decimal year = (Decimal)item.get('year'), sum = (Decimal)item.get('sum');
          Id accId = (Id)item.get('AccountId');
          (thisYear == year? accountNextYearSales: accountPreviousYearSales).put(accId, sum);

          This is also a case where moving the filters in to the query drastically reduces the number of rows returned, increasing performance.

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you @sfdcfox! I have updated the question because of limited char length here. Please look at the updated section.

            – SunnyG
            6 hours ago

          • @SunnyG you need to use LIKE if you want to use the % wildcard.

            – sfdcfox
            6 hours ago

          • Ohhhhh! I didn't realize i still had % there. I am getting the values now. I will check if the time limit error is gone. Thanks

            – SunnyG
            6 hours ago

          Your Answer

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          Post as a guest

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          today() was called 5082 times, meaning there were at least 2541 records in the list. That whole mess could be avoided if you used an aggregate result query:

          AggregateResult[] data = [
          SELECT Account__c AccountId, CALENDAR_YEAR(Date__c) year, SUM(Sales_Amount__c) sum
          FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
          WHERE Account__c = :accountSet AND Date__c >= LAST_YEAR AND Date__c > NEXT_YEAR
          GROUP BY Account__c, CALENDAR_YEAR(Date___c)
          Decimal thisYear = Date.today().year();
          for(AggregateResult item: data) {
          Decimal year = (Decimal)item.get('year'), sum = (Decimal)item.get('sum');
          Id accId = (Id)item.get('AccountId');
          (thisYear == year? accountNextYearSales: accountPreviousYearSales).put(accId, sum);

          This is also a case where moving the filters in to the query drastically reduces the number of rows returned, increasing performance.

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you @sfdcfox! I have updated the question because of limited char length here. Please look at the updated section.

            – SunnyG
            6 hours ago

          • @SunnyG you need to use LIKE if you want to use the % wildcard.

            – sfdcfox
            6 hours ago

          • Ohhhhh! I didn't realize i still had % there. I am getting the values now. I will check if the time limit error is gone. Thanks

            – SunnyG
            6 hours ago


          today() was called 5082 times, meaning there were at least 2541 records in the list. That whole mess could be avoided if you used an aggregate result query:

          AggregateResult[] data = [
          SELECT Account__c AccountId, CALENDAR_YEAR(Date__c) year, SUM(Sales_Amount__c) sum
          FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
          WHERE Account__c = :accountSet AND Date__c >= LAST_YEAR AND Date__c > NEXT_YEAR
          GROUP BY Account__c, CALENDAR_YEAR(Date___c)
          Decimal thisYear = Date.today().year();
          for(AggregateResult item: data) {
          Decimal year = (Decimal)item.get('year'), sum = (Decimal)item.get('sum');
          Id accId = (Id)item.get('AccountId');
          (thisYear == year? accountNextYearSales: accountPreviousYearSales).put(accId, sum);

          This is also a case where moving the filters in to the query drastically reduces the number of rows returned, increasing performance.

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you @sfdcfox! I have updated the question because of limited char length here. Please look at the updated section.

            – SunnyG
            6 hours ago

          • @SunnyG you need to use LIKE if you want to use the % wildcard.

            – sfdcfox
            6 hours ago

          • Ohhhhh! I didn't realize i still had % there. I am getting the values now. I will check if the time limit error is gone. Thanks

            – SunnyG
            6 hours ago




          today() was called 5082 times, meaning there were at least 2541 records in the list. That whole mess could be avoided if you used an aggregate result query:

          AggregateResult[] data = [
          SELECT Account__c AccountId, CALENDAR_YEAR(Date__c) year, SUM(Sales_Amount__c) sum
          FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
          WHERE Account__c = :accountSet AND Date__c >= LAST_YEAR AND Date__c > NEXT_YEAR
          GROUP BY Account__c, CALENDAR_YEAR(Date___c)
          Decimal thisYear = Date.today().year();
          for(AggregateResult item: data) {
          Decimal year = (Decimal)item.get('year'), sum = (Decimal)item.get('sum');
          Id accId = (Id)item.get('AccountId');
          (thisYear == year? accountNextYearSales: accountPreviousYearSales).put(accId, sum);

          This is also a case where moving the filters in to the query drastically reduces the number of rows returned, increasing performance.

          share|improve this answer

          today() was called 5082 times, meaning there were at least 2541 records in the list. That whole mess could be avoided if you used an aggregate result query:

          AggregateResult[] data = [
          SELECT Account__c AccountId, CALENDAR_YEAR(Date__c) year, SUM(Sales_Amount__c) sum
          FROM Historical_Sales_Records__c
          WHERE Account__c = :accountSet AND Date__c >= LAST_YEAR AND Date__c > NEXT_YEAR
          GROUP BY Account__c, CALENDAR_YEAR(Date___c)
          Decimal thisYear = Date.today().year();
          for(AggregateResult item: data) {
          Decimal year = (Decimal)item.get('year'), sum = (Decimal)item.get('sum');
          Id accId = (Id)item.get('AccountId');
          (thisYear == year? accountNextYearSales: accountPreviousYearSales).put(accId, sum);

          This is also a case where moving the filters in to the query drastically reduces the number of rows returned, increasing performance.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered 7 hours ago




          • Thank you @sfdcfox! I have updated the question because of limited char length here. Please look at the updated section.

            – SunnyG
            6 hours ago

          • @SunnyG you need to use LIKE if you want to use the % wildcard.

            – sfdcfox
            6 hours ago

          • Ohhhhh! I didn't realize i still had % there. I am getting the values now. I will check if the time limit error is gone. Thanks

            – SunnyG
            6 hours ago

          • Thank you @sfdcfox! I have updated the question because of limited char length here. Please look at the updated section.

            – SunnyG
            6 hours ago

          • @SunnyG you need to use LIKE if you want to use the % wildcard.

            – sfdcfox
            6 hours ago

          • Ohhhhh! I didn't realize i still had % there. I am getting the values now. I will check if the time limit error is gone. Thanks

            – SunnyG
            6 hours ago

          Thank you @sfdcfox! I have updated the question because of limited char length here. Please look at the updated section.

          – SunnyG
          6 hours ago

          Thank you @sfdcfox! I have updated the question because of limited char length here. Please look at the updated section.

          – SunnyG
          6 hours ago

          @SunnyG you need to use LIKE if you want to use the % wildcard.

          – sfdcfox
          6 hours ago

          @SunnyG you need to use LIKE if you want to use the % wildcard.

          – sfdcfox
          6 hours ago

          Ohhhhh! I didn't realize i still had % there. I am getting the values now. I will check if the time limit error is gone. Thanks

          – SunnyG
          6 hours ago

          Ohhhhh! I didn't realize i still had % there. I am getting the values now. I will check if the time limit error is gone. Thanks

          – SunnyG
          6 hours ago

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